Plan your visit
Practical information about your visit to the Medieval Center
Below you will find information about opening hours, prices, accessibilities, parking, and all the information you need in connection with your visit to the Medieval Center. If you do not find what you are looking for, please contact us. We are ready to help with any questions.

General information
Opening hours and prices
Opening hours
7 May - 21 September 2025: 10.00 - 16.00.
May and September: closed on Mondays. June: closed on Mondays 2, 9 and 16.
Skt. Hans aften (Midsummer's Eve): 23 June 2025
10.00 - 21.00
Autumn holidays: 13 - 17 October 2025
10.00 - 16.00 (Wednesday 15th open until 20.30)
Christmas Market: 29 - 30 November 2025
10.00 - 16.00
Prices low season (7 May - 27 June and 25 August - 21 September)
Adults – 169 DKK
Children (0-3 years) – Free
Children (4-11 years) – 79 DKK
Student –119 DKK
Family ticket (2 adults + 3 children) – 449 DKK
Group price – 149 DKK adult and 59 DKK child. (Group discount from 15 persons and up.)
Prices high season (28 June - 24 August and Autumn holidays 13 - 17 October)
Adults – 189 DKK
Children (0-3 years) – Free
Children (4-11 years) – 99 DKK
Student –139 DKK
Family ticket (2 adults + 3 children) – 499 DKK
Group price – 169 DKK adult and 69 DKK child. (Group discount from 15 persons and up.)
Season card
Adults – 399 DKK
Children (4-11 years) – 199 DKK
Family (2 adults + 3 children) – 989 DKK
Dogs are welcome at the Medieval Center, they have to be on a leash all the time. Remember to bring bags to pick up after them.
You are welcome to bring your own food. There is a lunch area with tables and benches next to the tournament field, where you can enjoy your food.
We also have a café where guests can buy hotdogs, ice cream and juices, among others.
Handicap companion
Handicap-accompanying persons enter the Medieval Center on the same ticket as the disabled person. You therefore only need to buy one entrance ticket for both of you. You are required to present a valid escort card at the entrance.
Smoking policy
The Medieval Center is a smoke-free area. Our rules apply to all forms of smoking, including e-cigarettes.
Guests are only allowed to smoke in the outdoor café area and outside the main entrance of the Medieval Center.
Find your way
Public transport:
Train to Nykøbing Falster station.
Bus 702 (Middelaldercentret) runs from the station to the Medieval Center.
Check the itinerary for times: www.rejseplanen.dk
Take the exit 45 Guldborg from the E47.
Follow Majbøllevej and Guldborgvej until the destination.
Parking (free)
Parking of cars and motorcycles:
In the large parking lot close to the entrance of the Medieval Center.
Bus parking:
Marked parking space by the large car park.
Disabled parking:
To the left of the main entrance building. Follow the road past the large car park, turn left and continue towards the forest past the red entrance building. Immediately after the entrance building, there is disabled parking on the right-hand side. Follow the signs.
At the end of the main entrance, there is also parking for busses for handicapped people.
Bicycle parking:
To the right of the main entrance building.
Wheelchair access and disabled walking
The terrain in the medieval town is uneven with cobblestones, grass, and gravel roads. There are wheelchair accesses to the entrance, the shop, toilets in the entrance building, toilets outside, the restaurant, and the outdoor cafe. There is a ramp to the low tribune at the tournament field.
There are modern fire roads around the area, but in the medieval town itself, there is pumice paving, cobblestones, and uneven roads.
There is access to the Technology Park with a wheelchair via the back entrance and the same way out. Ask in the entrance building and they can point it out on the map. The Magical Forest requires sensible footwear and is not suitable for wheelchairs or disabled walking.
It is not possible to enter the medieval houses with a wheelchair, but the people living in the houses are always available to come out and have a chat about their house and crafts.
Likewise, disabled walkers should be aware that several houses have high steps and no handles to grab. Always check for safety before you grab a handle to support you.
It is possible to borrow a wheelchair or walker in the entrance building.
Visually impaired people can touch and feel everything including the medieval people (but please ask first).
Guide dogs are welcome.
Hearing-impaired people should know that there are no signs in the medieval city itself, as the communication is based on dialogue with the city's citizens. However, there are signs in the Technology Park and the Magical Forest. Detailed information about the Medieval Center can be found throughout this website.
Allergy sufferers must be aware that we have animals, apple orchards, medicinal herb gardens, cabbage farms, and a number of hazel and birch trees.
Handicap parking: Drive past the large car park and turn left down past the main entrance. At the end of the main entrance, there is also parking for busses for handicapped people.
Adgang med kørestol: Terrænet i middelalderbyen er ujævnt med brosten, græs og grusveje. Der er kørestolsadgang til indgangen, butikken, toiletter i indgangsbygning, toiletter udenfor via rampe, gæstgiveriet og til den udendørs cafe. Der er rampe til den lave tribune på turneringspladsen.
Der er moderne brandveje rundt på området, men i selve middelalderbyen er der pigstensbelægning, brosten og ujævne veje.​
There are toilets in the entrance building as well as to the right of the activity area, outside the entrance building. There are disabled toilets as well as several guest toilets.
Baby changing facilities
There are baby changing facilities in two toilets at the Medieval Center. One is in the disabled toilet in the entrance hall and the other in the disabled toilet to the right of the activity area.
The café has a microwave and staff will be happy to heat a bottle or baby food.
If you need a little break or quiet for breastfeeding, we have benches placed around the area where you can enjoy a quiet moment.
Payment options
Payment can be made by card and cash (DKK and EUR) and MobilePay.
Medieval costumes
We know that many of our guests love to go on time travel, and for some, there is a desire to experience the journey wearing costumes or historical clothing.
At the Medieval Center, we work with living history. We strive to create as authentic an environment as possible, within the framework we have set, and this also applies to the clothing worn by employees and volunteers.
In order not to create confusion - who is a guest and who is a volunteer - we ask you to come in your modern, normal clothes and not dressed up or in historical costumes. If the front desk staff is in doubt, they might hand out a small sign that you must wear while you are at the Medieval Center, which shows that you are a guest. In this way, we ensure the best experience for all our guests. We appreciate your understanding.
If you are in doubt, you are always welcome to contact us.
Visitors are not allowed to fly and film with drones in the area of the Middelaldercentret. For more information please contact us.
At the Medieval Center, we have a large group of dedicated volunteers who bring Sundkøbing to life. The volunteers live in the houses in the town, communicate with our guests and make Sundkøbing a holistic experience. Would you like to know more? Then click here.
Holiday Homes nearby
If you are looking for accommodation, take a look at Feline Holidays, where you will find a large selection of holiday homes on Lolland.

Contact us
You are always welcome to contact us if you have any questions.